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Caregivers find encouragement through resources

Left to right, Joann Baker, Joanne Nichols and Kay Beamon recently completed the nine-week Bible study /support group session entitled: The Heart of the Caregiver led by NCBAM regional director Robert Leonard.

Team members from North Carolina Baptist Aging Ministry (NCBAM) recently had the privilege of meeting and hearing the author of The Heart of The Caregiver – Mary Tutterow. Her presentation gave a greater appreciation for her and her book’s teachings. It was my privilege to walk a small group of caregivers through the book and saw first-hand how Tutterow’s use of scripture and her personal experiences challenged the group and served as a source of encouragement as they compared their personal ups and downs as caregivers.

Kay, a participant who cares for her husband, offered some insightful feedback: “The class helped me to determine to depend more on God. The scriptures reminded me that I am not alone in my daily duties as a caregiver. The videos where we could see Mary and know she was a real person, going through what she wrote about, and hearing her testify about how God helped her, resonated and encouraged me. Our leader led us through the discussions and scriptures like a shepherd. This class helped me feel better about myself. I walked away encouraged knowing God is always and forever going to be there. I am never alone.”

The Heart of The Caregiveris a great place for anyone serving as a caregiver to find help. The introduction states: “Our goal is transformation from overwhelmed to overjoyed.”

The caregivers I led through the study emerged with a refreshed heart, a more positive attitude, revitalized strength, and new hope! If you are a caregiver who would benefit from this study or if you know of someone who is a caregiver and needs encouraging, find or form a group and begin the transformation for your sake and for the good of your care recipient.

If you would like to learn more about transformation groups, contact NCBAM’s Robert Leonard by emailing To receive a free copy of “Ten Truths of Transformation,” contact NCBAM at 877-506-2226.


The mission of NCBAM is to provide “help for the journey” to individuals 65+ in ways that help them maintain their independence and enjoy quality of life.

NCBAM’s Call Center provides information and referrals to callers and makes connections with volunteers from Baptist churches, other denominations, and civic groups. NCBAM’s regional directors serve throughout the state; engaging with local churches to increase awareness of the needs of frail aging adults and the ministry opportunities available to churches in meeting those needs.

Special attention is given to support and encourage caregivers.

Learn more at

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