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Give a child an unforgettable summer!

Kasey and her younger sister Karla couldn’t stop laughing. They had never been to an amusement park before. The sisters spent the whole day making great summer memories.

What a wonderful change! Before, the girls’ memories were tainted with fear, loneliness and neglect. Imagine worrying if you will have a meal to eat, a clean bed in which to sleep, or larger shoes to wear when your old ones don’t fit your growing feet. Imagine not feeling safe.

But because of your summer sponsorship, Kasey, Karla and other children like them are safe, they have enough to eat, and summer is a time to go swimming, enjoy ice cream, and attend Vacation Bible School to learn about Jesus.

You help erase Kasey and Karla’s worrisome memories. They are replaced with new memories to fill their minds and hearts for years to come.

The children count on your faithful support. Choose a summer sponsorship level or give any amount of your choice –– every gift makes a difference!

- Michael C. Blackwell


Note: The sisters’ names have been changed because of the sensitive nature of their circumstances.

Summer Sponsorship Levels

Summer sponsorship levels

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