Jason Davis returned to Broyhill Home in Clyde to share his testimony at the 60th Annual Western Area Conference on September 5.
“After my dad died, my mom began to use drugs and alcohol,” 41-year-old Davis told the more than 650 people attending. “Her pain from losing him was lessened by her addiction, but it caused big problems. She started beating me and leaving me home alone. I was five years old.”
After living with various family members and moving from foster home to foster home, Davis came to live with his paternal grandmother. A bad situation turned worse when one night his mother came pounding on the door of his grandmother’s home demanding to take Jason.
“My mom busted through the door and, as my grandmother stood between us, my mom began to beat her,” Davis recounts. “She then took a bottle, broke it and begin to threaten my grandmother’s life.”
His grandmother lived, but for Davis’ safety, he came to live at Broyhill Home at age 10. Davis says being in Baptist Children’s Homes’ care turned his life from one of heartache and pain to hope and a future.
Today, Davis and his wife, who is expecting the couple’s second child, and their daughter live in Waynesville. He says the success he has known comes from making the best of the opportunities he was given while living at Broyhill Home.
Conference attendees were treated to music performances by children in care and a barbecue dinner.
Amelia Johnson and Lloyd Fish received The Broyhill Founders Award for Distinguished Service. Jeremy Canipe was awarded this year’s Friend of Children Award.
Article Written by Jim Edminson, Editor