On September 20, The Board of Trustees of Baptist Children’s Homes (BCH) gathered for their biannual meeting in the sanctuary of Mills Home Baptist Church in Thomasville.
“This day was a gift,” said BCH president/CEO Michael C. Blackwell. “I greatly depend on the counsel of this exceptional body of leaders.
“Nothing takes the place of being able to look them eye to eye as we discuss what comes next for this vibrant, growing ministry.”
Those next steps were laid out for trustees during the meeting on September 20 as Blackwell and his executive team introduced BCH’s new strategic plan entitled EMBRACE: Enthusiastically Managing Both Results And Compassionate Enterprises.
“It is my belief and that of the Strategic Planning Committee that we are entering a new era, one that demands more,” as penned by Blackwell in the plan’s introduction. “This is not the time to be ordinary or meet the status quo. This is the time to rise upward and be extraordinary.”
Trustees unanimously adopted EMBRACE as well as the 2022-2023 BCH operating budget. As the nonprofit has grown through its merger with Christian Adoption Services and expansion of its EVERY CHILD Foster & Adoption Ministry, a partnership with NC Baptists, the operating budget has also grown in order to keep up with the increasing needs of children, families, and individuals.
“We are trusting God as we meet our financial goals,” said Blackwell.
Trustees also heard a presentation and update on EVERY CHILD by Mark Smith, church liaison for the foster/adopt initiative. Blake Ragsdale, BCH Director of Communications, shared this year’s Annual Offering video featuring The Cooks, a BCH foster/adopt family who have fostered nineteen children in four years and adopted three.
The full board meets twice per year in January and September.
Written by Blake Ragsdale, Managing Editor of Charity & Children