I’m older now but still runnin’ against the wind.
The words are from a Bob Seger song and they speak to my 38-year presidency better than just about anything.
Not once have I rested on my laurels. Not once have I said BCH has enough money to last a lifetime. Not once have I even hinted that money is no longer a problem.
Money for a ministry to children and adults and babies and orphans is always a need. That’s why I write this rarest of fund raising columns, urging you to “Run with me against the wind” and help the least among us––the most vulnerable.
Winds of adversity have blown strong since 11/11/1885 (the date when we were founded on faith). They are blowing with devastation during this pandemic era.
Budgets are stretched like a taut rubber band. Traditional fundraising events that totaled hundreds of thousands of dollars were canceled.
But, we are built on love and we will rise. See what “Founded on faith...Built on love” has meant to our 135-year history.
The Annual Offering must be a success! It is crucial as we begin a new year in 2021. Please help us. Help us with your check, cash, in-kind gift, online gift, food, supplies, church offering. Take a look at this video.
We are strong, mighty, enduring––30 Carolina communities plus Guatemala and international adoption services. More than 107,000 lives touched––to the glory of God–– beating with one heart.
BCH is there in your stead.
In Christ’s name.
Cradle to grave.
BCH is there.
We never stop serving.
We must not be sidetracked by the current crisis. Crisis is opportunity. Children need us more than ever. Listen. What you hear are the cries of babies, children, orphans, youth, special needs adults and the frail elderly. Listen. They are calling your name––my name.
We must answer the cries. Give as you are able––and then maybe a little more.
We are older now and still runnin’ against the wind. But thank God, we ARE still runnin’. Ain’t no devil gonna slow us down. Truth crushed to earth, the saying goes, shall rise again.
Give generously. Give of your best to the Master who loves children––for of such is the
Kingdom of God.
Giving is made simple.
Remember, you can also give online. It’s fast, convenient, and safe. Go to bchfamily.org/ givenow to get started––and thank you!
We are BCH strong.
We shall rise.
We shall overcome.
Count on it. Trust in it.
God bless you.
And God bless The Baptist Children’s Homes of North Carolina.