Whether through visits at the Baptist Children’s Homes
(BCH) booth, successes shared by pastors during the
EVERY CHILD break out session, or from BCH president/CEO
Michael C. Blackwell’s report to messengers, it was apparent at
the Annual Meeting that the bond between BCH and NC Baptists
is stronger than ever.
“There is no one we would rather be ‘on mission together’ with
than NC Baptists,” Blackwell remarked. “God knitted our hearts

together when the Children’s Homes was first established in 1885,
and this relationship is just as vibrant and vital today.” From the stage, Blackwell drew attention to BCH’s variety of ministries that impacts children and individuals of every age
and at every stage of life. Specifically, he spotlighted the growing
EVERY CHILD Foster & Adopt partnership between BCH and
NC Baptists that is addressing the foster care crisis in the state.
He also introduced North Carolina Baptist Aging Ministry’s
(NCBAM) newest initiative to aging adults—The NCBAM Care
Village in Kinston providing geriatric management services
to members.
The NC Baptist Historical Committee also recognized Blackwell
for his BCH history book Founded on Faith...Built on Love.
Written by Blake Ragsdale, Managing Editor of Charity & Children