The needs of aging adults are varied and continue to change at a drastic pace. Twenty years ago, fraud wasn’t a huge issue. Today, seniors are targeted by sophisticated Medicare and sweepstakes scams. Many fall prey due to lack of computer and technical skills.
In 2020, NCBAM (North Carolina Baptist Aging Ministry) became keenly aware of this digital divide. Aging adults were told they were “first in line” for COVID vaccines. But North Carolina’s “find your spot to take your shot” system required making appointments online. Changes in society have seen adult children move away from their aging parents and are unable to help.
I’m currently serving the senior adults at FBC Mooresville. In addition to a monthly “lunch ‘n’ learn”, we are addressing physical needs by creating transportation and care teams, making sure all aging adults have working smoke alarms, and providing fall-risk assessments.
I am seeing first-hand how the church is the answer to helping aging adults. NCBAM has regional directors in every area and offers many resources to help your church meet the growing and changing needs of seniors. Contact us soon!
Camp BAM meal sponsors needed
This summer, NCBAM will host its third Camp BAM! The intergenerational camp provides opportunities for volunteer campers to serve as the hands and feet of Jesus to help frail aging adults in Thomasville and surrounding areas. We rely on Camp sponsors to help us feed these hard-working, mission-minded volunteers. Campers reside at Mills Home in Thomasville July 12-16. Austin Decker serves as camp director and is the north central regional director for NCBAM.
Contact Austin at adecker@bchfamily.org if you can help.
One Hope volunteers reach lonely seniors
NCBAM has developed an outreach called One Hope to address the growing epidemic of social isolation and loneliness among aging adults. Melanie Beeson serves as the One Hope director. One Hope is a spiritual response to social isolation and loneliness.
Its strategic plan includes:
· Raise awareness of social isolation and loneliness
· Streamline the call portal and volunteer reporting system
· Grow the volunteer base
· Implement volunteer appreciation plan
· Promote the One Hope outreach
· Enhance NCBAM’s spiritual response
This outreach is dedicated to reaching isolated and lonely seniors in a state where 30% of adults 65+ live alone. “One hope” or ”mia elpidi” is defined one expectation, trust or confidence. This outreach is vital in sharing the hope of Jesus with lonely seniors.
To learn more about how you or your church can take part, contact One Hope director Melanie Beeson at mbeeson@bchfamily.org.
Written by Sandy Gregory, Senior Director, NCBAM