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An oasis of hope in a sea of uncertainty

Writer's picture: bchfamilybchfamily

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. You are dear to me and you are dear to those we serve.

I know you are passionate about the Baptist Children’s Homes (BCH) and are concerned about us. First, we praise God that our boys and girls, and everyone we are privileged to care for each day, are healthy and safe. Second, our staff members are well. I hear from them every day and I am humbled and inspired by their loyalty, commitment and strong Christian witness as they give tirelessly during these challenging days. BCH is an “Oasis of Hope” in a sea of uncertainty.

Unlike many businesses and organizations that are forced to curb their operating hours or even close their doors, we are open and must remain open. The tremendous needs of those we serve cannot be placed on hold. They are depending on us. BCH is an “Oasis of Hope” in a sea of uncertainty.

We are preparing for an increase in the number of children who will need compassionate care. It is in times of crisis and heightened stress that we see cases of abuse and neglect rise. We must ensure that the hurting boys and girls who come into our cottages receive all that they need. BCH is an “Oasis of Hope” in a sea of uncertainty.

In the chaos that swirls about during a crisis, there is a need for comfort and reassurance. There is a need for an “Oasis of Hope.”

For this reason, I turn to you. Some 70% of our budget is dependent on people who respond to the Lord and give generously. We operate on a budget of faith dependent on the gifts of our friends.

Needed support also comes from North Carolina Baptist churches –– churches closed because it is not safe to gather together. We’ve postponed our Food Roundup until later in the year. The food drive collects annually $750,000 in non-perishable food, supplies and gift cards. Again, with churches closed, food cannot be collected. Since we count on the food drive to serve multiple meals and snacks daily, there is no budget to replenish empty shelves.

I need your help. Will you give? Your sacrificial gift now will help guarantee that we remain an “Oasis of Hope” in the face of this worldwide pandemic.

Thank you for ensuring that every child, every special needs resident, every family served knows that the love of Almighty God is greater than fear and that in Him there is always hope!

May the Spirit of the Living Christ bless you, protect you, encourage you, empower you, and secure you in holy comfort, radiant joy and hope!

Dr. Michael C. Blackwell



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