Our thoughts and prayers are with our state, our nation -- our world -- as we monitor the ever-changing situation regarding COVID-19, also known as the Coronavirus.
Baptist Children’s Homes of North Carolina (BCH) is complying with all protocols set forth by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), North Carolina Health and Human Services (NCDHHS,) local health department and EMS in regard to prevention, testing and exposure control. Be assured that BCH leadership and staff are doing everything possible to ensure its residents and staff members remain healthy and safe. In fact, many of the protocols issued by the CDC and NCDHHS to safeguard against COVID-19 are practices that have been regularly utilized by BCH for years.
To safeguard Baptist Children’s Homes’ (BCH) friends, ministry partners, staff members, those served throughout all ministry locations, BCH is canceling and/or postponing a number of events, both on and off site, until further notice. These include, but are not limited to, speaking engagements and scheduled events between residents and the general public. Smaller events have also been canceled.
The list of canceled and postponed events as of March 25 includes:
– All BCH church and organization speaking engagements – Canceled & being
– April 2020 "Food Roundup"–– Postponed until Fall 2020
*Note: For more ways you can help immediately with the Food Roundup being postponed, click here
– All Spring “Friends of Children” Workdays –– Canceled
Oak Ranch, April 25
Kennedy Home, May 2
Camp Duncan, May 2
Odum Home, May 2
Cameron Boys Camp, May 9
– Ride to Clyde, RESCHEDULED -- August 28 & 29, 2020
– Barbecue Festival at Broyhill Home, May 9 –– Canceled
– Founders Day at Cameron Boys Camp, May 20 –– Canceled
- Hope in Style, August 15 -- Canceled
– North Carolina Baptist Aging Ministry (NCBAM) has canceled the following events:
Aging Well Conference, Rose Hill, March 31 –– Canceled
Aging Well Conference, Murphy, April 3 –– Canceled
Senior Adult Ministry State Leadership Conference, Raleigh, May 5 –– Canceled
Additional BCH/NCBAM updates and information will be posted at www.bchfamily.org as it becomes available.
In the meantime, please be in prayer for our children, their caregivers and everyone we are privileged to serve. Also, if you are able, please continue to support us with your charitable giving during this critical time. Your support is critical.
We worship a God who is able to steady the ship no matter the storm that is before us, and we will continue to trust the One who the winds and waves obey.
Blessings and thank you.
Dr. Michael C. Blackwell