Have you ever looked back on your life and thought, “Man, if I’d only known then what I know now!”
The decisions I’ve made in my adult life have shaped me into the person I am, and for the most part, I am proud of the huge leaps
of faith that I’ve taken, despite the risk I may have felt. My name is Amanda Doty and I serve as the recruiting and staff development
manager for Baptist Children’s Homes (BCH).
I grew up in Waynesville which is only a few miles from BCH’s beautiful Broyhill Home. First Baptist Church of Waynesville, where
I attended, welcomed and loved the Broyhill children who attended our church. These children were my friends and classmates in Sunday school and at the local public school. I remember admiring the BCH cottage parents as I witnessed the great love they had for every boy and girl. I was impressed by these caring Christians who devoted themselves to making a difference in these young lives. I knew it had to be hard, and sometimes it may have brought a tear. But as I can attest to from my own life, love is risky. These childhood experiences planted a seed in my heart for service. It was a seed that blossomed into a mission and career.
Fast forward to married life and the day I became a mom to a beautiful baby girl. It was a joy, but future pregnancy complications proved that one child would be all I would have. Heartbreaking as this was at the time, I knew that God had more in store for me. One
weekend, while I was working at the hospital (I was a CT tech for more than 17 years), I was offered the opportunity to become a mother to a newborn baby whose biological mother could not care for her. And in one weekend, I had a new baby to love.
I took a risk. I knew from the start that there would be paperwork, decisions, worry, and obstacles standing in the way. It was a risky decision, but I trusted God to provide the way. And God did. Nine years later, I have another amazing daughter who is full of life and calls herself my “best buddy.” Although adoption is risky, God wasn’t finished.
After becoming parents of a biological daughter and an adopted daughter, God moved our hearts into a mission with children. Family foster care became a passion and we quickly became foster parents to an amazing, but very abused and broken five-year-old girl. Long nights dealing with her painful trauma and us feeling the frustration with bad choices adults make, it was tough. But foster care is risky.
I trusted in God’s plan and we were used as stepping stones for this child to find an adoptive family and thrive in a new home. She is now a big sister herself and is living her best life. But God still wasn’t finished.
In 2017, when I felt like I was at the top of my career field and
making more money than I’d ever dreamed, God placed on my heart a call to full-time service. I spent more than six months talking with spiritual mentors, praying, and ultimately making big, life-changing decisions.
I laid down my ego and my profession to take my dream job as a cottage parent at Mills Home in Thomasville. Suddenly, I found myself in a cottage with eight teenage girls in a totally new career/mission field and wondering how in the world was God going to use me. Early mornings, sleepless nights, listening and sharing their traumatic experiences, dealing with anger and bitterness, watching them grow and change, experiencing their progress, feeling their pain, receiving their hugs and acceptance, a career change is risky.
I was in the front line waging battle and leading the parade of victory both at the same time—it was truly the most amazing place in the world. I remember being told at my interview: “This will be the hardest job you’ll ever love.”
God still wasn’t finished. I later transitioned into the position I have now. This organization has continued to sow seeds of growth into my life, both professionally and personally. I have grown, changed, learned, and experienced the most amazing work culture that exists. Giving yourself is risky, love is risky, but it’s all worth it.
As much as we would like to plan what our lives should or could look like, the beauty is in the risk. It’s in the unknown that we meet God. And the question, “What if I knew then what I know now?” Well, I would do even more. I would look at the risk and jump. I would say yes to God more. Because in the end, God provides more than can be imagined to accomplish His will.
The risks I’ve taken have led to a richness in life I cannot explain. Maybe you are right now in one of these decision moments in life where God is asking you to step out on faith and be a risk-taker. Maybe you know someone who is seeking God’s direction for their life. I challenge you to share this article with a person who may be looking for an opportunity to serve God and find their dream job. BCH has countless opportunities to make a real difference in the lives of hurting children and families.
Remember, love is risky. I am challenging you to be open to God’s calling. I challenge you to say yes.
Let Amanda help you, or someone you know, turn a calling into a career. Contact BCH's Amanda at 828.421.0159 or adoty@bchfamily.org. Learn more about BCH’s available opportunities at www.bchcareers.org.