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Statewide collection points ready for food donations

Writer's picture: bchfamilybchfamily

BCH's population rose 24% from 2013 to 2015. With a new cottage for girls opening soon, the need for the Food Roundup is greater than ever. Please give items from the needs list to help collect a minimum of $350,000 in non-perishable food, gift cards and other items. Your support helps provide 700,000 meals and snacks.

VIDEO: Houseparents see Hunger Firsthand

Statewide collection points ready for food donations

Note: Please call the location before making your delivery. Schedules vary at each location. _________________________

Alexander Association

Lari Stucky


Anson Association

Kim Glenn


Ashe Association

Trish Church


Atlantic Association

Rachel Dupree


Avery Association

Garland Huneycut


Beulah Association

Teresa Wilkins


Bladen Association

Connie Holland


Blue Ridge Association

Sharon Blanton


Brier Creek Association

Sherry Mesimer


Brunswick Association

Michael Clemmons


Brushy Mountain Assoc. Lois Woodie 336-838-4407

Buncombe Association Nancy Owen 828-252-1864

Burnt Swamp Assoc. Odum Home - Kathy Locklear 910-521-3433/910-318-3981

Cabarrus Association Marvin Tyson 704-786-9171

Caldwell Association Association Garage Darlene Townsend 828-758-4081

Carolina Association Paula James 828-693-4274

Catawba River Assoc. Marlene Houk 828-437-0137

Catawba Valley Assoc. Woodlawn BC Rev. Jerry Anderson 828-464-6921

Cheoah Association New Hope BC, Robbinsville Gerald & Nellie Phillips 828-479-8279

Chowan Association Nancy Porter / Annie Leslie 252-426-9621

Columbus Association 1. Theresa Powell, 910-642-2155 2. Chadbourn BC, Bus Garage, Theresa Powell, 910-654-3992

Cullom Association Mary White 252-257-4513

Dan Valley Association Rev. Walter Daves 336-342-2207

Dock Association Al Gore 910-640-0801

Eastern Association 1. Donna Landes/Sandra Winstead, 910-293-7077 2. Grove Park BC, 910-592-3937

Elkin Association Lisa Green 336-835-8433

Flat River Association Becky Curran 919-693-2300

French Broad Association Dru Moore 828-689-2845

Graham Association New Hope BC, Robbinsville Gerald & Nellie Philips 828-479-8279

Greater Cleveland Assoc. Charles Reed 704-482-3472, ext. 106

Greater Gaston Assoc. Warehouse Thane Kendall 704-867-7257

Green River Association Teresa Sams 828-286-9278

Haywood Association Broyhill Home - Linda Morgan 828-627-9254

Johnston Association Johnston Comm. College Carolyn Tharrington 919-934-3749

Liberty Association Mills Home - Alan Williams 336-474-1277

Little River Association 1. Baptist Grove BC, 919-552-8592 2. Gourd Springs BC, 910-436-0276 3. Lillington BC, 910-893-9151 4. Westfield BC, 910-892-2216

Macon Association Cindy Bohner 828-524-3215

Metrolina Association Hannah Rehm 704-375-1197

Mitchell Association Judy Greer 828-765-9412

Montgomery Association Hal Bilbo 910-572-2451

Mount Zion Association Sandy King 336-226-0249

Neuse Association Kennedy Home – Al Little/Brian Baltzell 252-527-4417

New River Association Rita Romine 910-347-3146

New South River Assoc. Robert Ivey/Regina Hammonds 910-485-8791

North Roanoke Assoc. Debbie Williams 252-443-3883

Pee Dee Association Lanell Moree/Janie Frye 910-895-5282

Piedmont Association Rebecca Newlin 336-275-7651

Pilot Mountain Assoc. PMBA Resource Center Karen Taylor 336-830-8189

Polk Association Hubert Street 828-894-3787

Raleigh Association Iris Woodard 919-231-3995

Randolph Association Drema Hill/Steve Sells 336-625-4175

Robeson Association 1. Alan Taylor, 910-738-8186 2. Odum Home - Kathy Locklear, 910-521-3433/910-318-3981

Rocky Face Association Tony Daniels 828-850-2267/828-632-4726

Rowan Association Cindy Key 704-637-3407

Sandhills Association Tom Lamkin 910-947-2238

Sandy Creek Association Nancy Evans 919-776-9423

Sandy Run Association Loretta Winters 828-245-2613

South Fork Association Faith Ingle 704-735-1642

South Mountain Assoc. Don Willis 704-462-4472

South Roanoke Assoc. 1. Assoc. Office Linda Franks 252-756-4332 2. To Be Determined Max Liles 252-243-7961

South Yadkin Association Fairview BC - Paul Hill 704-872-4246

Stanly Association Judy Hartsell/Libby Hartsell 704-982-4891

Stone Mountain Julius Blevins 336-696-4210

Stony Fork Association Roy Grider 828-295-3410

Surry Association Heather Bedsaul 336-789-5701

Tar River Association Pauline Muller 919-496-7172

Tennessee River Assoc. FBC, Bryson City Judy Hensley 828-488-2679

Three Forks Association Harold Bennett 828-264-4482

Transylvania Association Jan Miller 828-877-3203

Truett Association Karen Twiss 828-837-5401

Tuckaseigee Association Gracella Morris 828-586-6011

Union Association Jean Rollins 704-283-8383

United Association (Drop at Metrolina Assoc.) Hannah Rehm 704-375-1197

West Chowan Assoc. Britton Ministries – Joann Mizelle 252-332-3235

Wilmington Association 1. Theresa Bradley 910-799-1160 2. Scotts Hill BC 910-686-9885 3. Northside BC 910-791-6053

Yadkin Association

Brenda Garner/Dennis Shaw


Yancey Association

Cathy Silvers


Yates Association

Teresa Dotson/Michael Bond



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