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Alumni of Kennedy Home in Kinston Reminisce at Homecomming

Some of those attending this year’s Homecoming posed for the annual Cedar Dell steps photo.

Flags were flying high and patriotic songs were sung as Kennedy Home (KH) alumni, former staff, children in care, and current staff members gathered for this year Homecoming held July 4 and 5 on the Kinston campus. The annual get together brings “brothers and sisters” from far and wide to reminisce and catch up on current happenings. Great food and time filled with fun activities kept everyone satisfied despite the eastern Carolina heat.

This year’s Sunday morning speaker was KH director Brian Baltzell. Baltzell thanked all for their support and encouraged those attending to “...join God in His work.”

“I feel blessed,” Baltzell said. “I get to work with great alumni who have the children’s very best interests at heart.”

He said that the alumni’s knowledge and commitment to Kennedy Home is inspiring. “I enjoy hearing the stories and learning the Kennedy Home history from their perspectives.”

Baltzell said a noted highlight was the Saturday evening meal. He said the current residents served the meal and waited the tables for the alumni. Alumni and residents had a memorable time.

During the annual alumni association business meeting, officers were elected for 2015-16. They are: President – Jim Dyer, Vice President – Doris Powers, Secretary – Mike Smithwick, Treasurer – Dickie Maynor, Corresponding Secretary – Mr. and Mrs. Michael Grimsley, Charity & Children Columnist – John B. Thompson, Jr. Alumni also agreed to change the Homecoming 2016 date from the usual first weekend in July to June 4 and 5, 2016.

Alum James "Jimmy" Gilliam and Wife Sandy.

The Maynor brothers, enjoying the watermelon.

Alumni gather in the Alumni Room for the business meeting.

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