I recently returned from spending a few days on the river with one of the groups from Cameron Boys Camp . The first day was a teaching day. Routines, canoing skills and attitudes all needed a little work. But it was also a growing day sprinkled with fun. Falling asleep on the ground with a cool breeze blowing through our tents was invigorating after a hard day's work both mentially and physically.
We put our growth into practice the next day by exceeding our mileage and having the fortitude to wrench out some deep-seeded issues. We found a clutch of ducklings and explored a bamboo grove all while fine-tuning our skills at bow and stern.
This morning I paddled away from the group to return to camp because they now have all the knowledge and ability to be successful. I'm excited to hear the stories of how the boys grew together on the remainder of the trip.
To learn more about Cameron Boys Camp, visit www.cameronboyscamp.org