Sharing Jesus with a child like Kimberly, and seeing her life transformed, would be impossible without your support.

Kimberly attends Dellwood Baptist Church in Waynesville with her houseparents and the other children from Broyhill Home in Clyde. Through the Christian love shown to her,
Kimberly was introduced to Jesus. She heard the resurrection story and she saw the love of Christ demonstrated every day.
On November 9, Dellwood Baptist Church pastor Bobby Rogers baptized Kimberly. It was a beautiful and emotional moment for houseparent Vivian Johnson. “It made my heart jump when she was baptized,” Johnson said. “It’s amazing to see the changes in her life because of the hope that she now has.”
This past year, 101 children and adults served through the Baptist Children’s Homes ministry accepted Jesus as Savior. We have much to celebrate this Easter.
This Easter season, please remember our boys and girls and give. When you give, you not only provide for children’s physical needs, but your kindness impacts their hearts. Your gift is an investment that pays eternal dividends.
Eight out of ten children who come to Baptist Children’s Homes are unchurched. Remember, your Easter gift provides children a safe home and caring houseparents who share Jesus with them. Please make your gift today! You can give online by clicking the GIVE icon below.