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Our residential wilderness programs at Cameron Boys Camp and Camp Duncan provide a unique opportunity for girls and boys to heal and grow in God's creation.
Camp Stories from our Blog...

Jun 22, 20243 min read
Lila goes from anger toward God to trusting in Him
The abuse Lila suffered lingered in her thoughts, keeping her trapped in a place of mistakes and bad choices. She felt that she was...

Jun 22, 20243 min read
Camp gives Jonathan a needed new perspective
Jonathan:Â The chaos was part of living in a household with four younger siblings and one on the way. There were days when 13-year-old...

Jun 22, 20243 min read
Nate finds his calling as a chief
The Spain family knew Nate's mom and dad. The families attend the same church, each family in leadership roles. Nadine Spain had watched...

Sep 21, 20234 min read
Camper Killian learns life lessons by building tent
From their imaginations, the boys at Cameron Boys Camp put tent ideas on paper. They draw a front view, a side view, and a top view. For...

Sep 21, 20233 min read
Chief Paul believed in doing things well—all the way
Chief Paul Daley was true to his calling to the end, ascending to Heaven on July 9. He would have marked his 50th year of being called...

Feb 22, 20234 min read
Ethan Finds Hope at Camp, Accepts Christ
When I was four, my mother told me she didn’t love me and told my aunt to come and take me away. I remember waiting on the doorstep in...

Sep 2, 20223 min read
Campers turn river obstacles into lessons learned
Eager to begin, the Cameron Boys Camp Rangers set off on their long-awaited journey. This 27-day trip was completely planned by...

Mar 22, 20213 min read
Camper returns to become Chief
Twenty-five-year-old Travis Yoder is the first Cameron Boys Camp chief who was once a camper. His journey to this historic time began...

Jan 21, 20214 min read
Camp chief fulfills calling in Russia
In a few short minutes, the boys would be roused from their slumber. Cecil Eshelman woke early to spend time in Bible study and prayer....
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