Boys and girls living at Baptist Children's Homes (BCH) see God's love through you when your church help collect $400,000 in food, supplies and gift cards through the Food Roundup.
Before arriving at BCH's statewide homes, many North Carolina children went without food, sometimes for days. Through the Food Roundup, your church provides them with approximately 700,000 meals and snacks — enough for an entire year!
Through the annual Food Roundup, you help feed children and families through BCH’s caring homes and services across 21 North Carolina communities.

There’s still time to make a difference
1. GET THE INFO! If you don’t have a list of needed items or know the best collection point to deliver your food items, contact Alan Williams at 1.800.476.3669 ext. 1277 or go to www.bchfoodroundup.org
2. RALLY YOUR CHURCH! Your leadership is vital! Promote during Sunday morning worship. Use a multimedia slide, short videos and ads at www.bchfoodroundup.org to spread the word. Use your Facebook page and email, too!
3. MAKE IT FUN! Which Sunday School class can collect the most food? Maybe boys and girls in your children’s ministry compete with one another. Everybody wins when you make a difference in the lives of children!
THANK YOU! For more info, contact Alan Williams at 1.800.476.3669 ext. 1277 or awilliams@bchfamily.org and you can download resources at www.bchfoodroundup.org